Thursday, January 17, 2008

Letter to Life

Dear Life,

The rain just kinda puts me in a zone. I love thinking already, but the rain kinda just gets my juices flowing and my thoughts racing to the point where i cant get up from the computer until i write something. A part of me just wont let me go without expressing or sharing something with you. So in the absence of other words to write I thought a simple "i love you" would go along way! The power in those 3 words amazes me. The power of love amazes me. Love changes lives, it alters attitudes, and when its right..........its all you'll ever need! God is love, and he made me in his reflection, so love is all i desire to be! Thanks life for your daily lessons, and thanks for keeping things interesting.

Rob Hill

Monday, January 14, 2008


Is it that she is...

Infatuated with his mind?
In love with his demeanor?
Or overwhelmed by his presence?

Her stares reflect her heart
Her actions reflect true love
Her being reflects his favor

Is it that he is...

Engulfed in her confidence
Overcome by her grace
Or blessed by her existence

His eyes scream fear
His walk embodies his nerves
His hands sweat at her touch

Is it is that they are…

Afraid to take on forever
Too selfish to overcome their past
Or so stuck in what is now

Love is not coming everyday
Real only shows under fake
And pain is pleasure right?


It just might work out
Knowing is trying
Standing still only benefits a statue

I wonder if it’s her
Or could it be him
Pressure is on both of them

She scratched to win
He picked to play
It’s all on luck at the end of the day

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Letters To Life

Dear Life,

Alot can happen in a months time. I look at the last time I wrote you and the contents of the letter, and I smile. I think I'm addicted to falling because I'm in love with the overcoming feeling of getting up. I get up everytime, every damn time I rise and feel stronger than ever. I get so caught up thinking that yesterday, I was better off than I am today. Seems like you were bringing me something new each day without cease, and I almost got scared this time. Looking back, I aint been down like that in awhile. But new beginnings, bring new feelings, and even more necessary endings. lol. Its life, and moreover it's my life. I appreciate every moment of it. Thank you for all you throw my way. I FEEL SOOOOOO GOOD. Im ready, send it all my way. I sit and I think about how strong I had to take something or many things great to knock me down, and for me to get up after amazing to me. "If you are what you say you are, Then have no fear." I love life, get ready, im done sleeping!!!


Rob "All the man I say I am" Hill