Monday, January 14, 2008


Is it that she is...

Infatuated with his mind?
In love with his demeanor?
Or overwhelmed by his presence?

Her stares reflect her heart
Her actions reflect true love
Her being reflects his favor

Is it that he is...

Engulfed in her confidence
Overcome by her grace
Or blessed by her existence

His eyes scream fear
His walk embodies his nerves
His hands sweat at her touch

Is it is that they are…

Afraid to take on forever
Too selfish to overcome their past
Or so stuck in what is now

Love is not coming everyday
Real only shows under fake
And pain is pleasure right?


It just might work out
Knowing is trying
Standing still only benefits a statue

I wonder if it’s her
Or could it be him
Pressure is on both of them

She scratched to win
He picked to play
It’s all on luck at the end of the day