Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Letter To Life

Dear Life,

Change is inevitable. Its a known fact, but I understand the fear of change, the spirit of contentment, and the gluttonous spirit of pain. I was reading a daily quote i receive in my e-mail and it read as so...

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe

The greatest things that have happened in the history of life, or the world as we know have come as a direct result of change. Yes, change can make you uncomfortable and at times even scared. It is however necessary, life is change. A common prayer called the "Serenity Prayer" focuses on change as well.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, Courage to change the things i can, and Wisdom to know the difference."

At this point in our lives not many things last forever, we grow, we live, and most of all we change. The changes benefit those of us who allow it to, and for others we allow it to hold us back. I have fell victim to both sides of the fold. Anger, sadness, insecurities, let dows, frustrations are things we all experience, but, "You are not here because you fell down, you are here because you got up." Life will tell you everything your not, and make you forget about everything you are. Your altitude can not change without your attitude, free your mind and the rest will follow as the song would say.

Please don;t block your own blessing.

Rob Hill


Anonymous said...

as always, i love it..honestly it inspires me to accept change & embrace the new. thanks Rob.


Anonymous said...

i love it too . alot of great quotes in this one as well as your own input . i agree with the person under me , this poem gave me a new outlook on change . i feel alot of people live in fear of change . genius as usual .

Anonymous said...

robbie you always know what to say to make things better i really need to read helped me out alot an made things alot better for me to understand...your're the best....glad to have you as a GOOD FRIEND

Anonymous said...

wow that was powerful and oh so true!

Anonymous said...

i was feeling it! that's why i live life day by day and accept the things that i got now and that i dont have anymore. i love change!

Anonymous said...

oh my god rob!..that was a very nice,it put on the table wat so many people are afraid of..change i agree with this completely,as the other reader stated it allow one to embrace change.. it was great!!

Anonymous said...

rob...i loved that! that was something i really needed to read right now! thanks!